Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Favs


Can you tell im excited that its Friday???

Today I wanted to share with y'all some things I am LOVING lately!

1.  "Go to the Gym" Felt Pillow. 

I dont know about y'all but I find myself more times then not having good intentions of working out. I will slip on my nike shorts and shirt, lace up my overly priced running shoes and start heading for the door until I notice that there is an Criminal Minds marathon on TV. Then all of the sudden, 2 hours have passed, 2 murders have been solved yet no calories have been burned on my part. 

Epic fail right?

Well this pillow could easily solve all these issues! It basically screams at you GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND GO RUN! 

Love it. Problem solved. Hello wedding body.

2.  Kern Ring Set

If this doesn't prove my graphic design nerdiness- then I dont know what does. I love accessories just like the next southern girl-so why not have this added to my collection??

3. Texas Letterpress Art Print

I love this unique and one of a kind looking print! Growing up in Texas- we train them while they are young you could say. This song always reminds me of my elementary school days at Matthews singing this song in the music room. "The stars at night, are big and bright (CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP) deep in the hearrrrttt of texassss!" If I ever have a texas/ranch themed room in my house- I am definitly going to need this! 

4. Plum Big Bow Pillow

Not many people probably know this- but my favorite color is anything in the purple family. In fact, I love it so much- me and Tyler future bed will have purpleish pillows on it (even though he says he is going to hide them whenever his friends come over...tha nervveeee). So whenever I saw those- I knew I had to have it...or something like it!!

Hope you enjoy my Friday Favs!! 

If you haven't already- Go check out my one of my prints that has been featured on Daisys Retro's blog! Just click here!

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