Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I have a crush on you.

Things I'm crushin' on THIS week:

ONE_ If you know me at all, you know that I have a love for all things close to the ground. This includes my Dachshund Chloe. Although I am going against years and years of family tradition by asking for a puppy LAB for Christmas- I still enjoy seeing these little short things on Pinterest.

TWO_ I have been wanting a really nice fur vest but have yet to find the perfect one. If anybody has any suggestions as to wear to find one that won't break the bank but make people THINK I did- Im all ears :)

THREE_The one thing I love about Pinterest is that you come across Etsy shop owners who really have some fan-tab-ulous sells. Like THIS one. This chicka sells those cute little socks that would look great with some brown boots I have! 

FOUR_ I already have my sockings purchased and hung for the Christmas season, but I am LOVIN' this one! If you are still running around trying to find the perfect stockings....Look no further! Click here to check them out in the store!

FIVE_My hubby is quite talented with a camera and I feel like its just something that came naturally for him. He dabs here and there with wildlife photography and really enjoys it. Me on the other hand- I feel like this little boy when it comes to photography and figuring out cameras. One word: Clueless.

SIX_This simply made me laugh. So maybe it'll bring a smile to your face as well?

SEVEN_I am a Starbuckaholic. Its a real and true addiction. So when I saw these cute little cupcakes...My heart melted. Im going to have to try and make these puppies some day! 


  1. Hey ma'am! I absolutely adore those Chritmas stockings. And while I was Cyber Monday shopping I saw a few fur vests at Express :) Just FYI! Hope newlywed life is treating you well!

  2. GABBY! Who knew you had a blog missy?! Thanks for the tip on the fur jacket...Ill have to check it out!! :) Miss ya girl!
