Monday, November 22, 2010

Gobble Gobble.

Well, Turkey Day is around the corner which means as I type you are mentally coming up with a game plan deciding how you are going to consume more calories then one human normally does in a week- all the while not gaining one single pound. Trust me when I say....Its impossible. So do yourself a favor and wear your "fat" jeans while stuffing your face along with large comfy sweatshirt. You will save yourself a lot of stress if you do. :)

I know the most cliche thing to do around this holiday is to list out the things in life that you are most thankful for but did you really think I was going to blog about the different ways to cook a Turkey..or fun facts about the pilgrims and Indians?? I don't even really LIKE turkey all that much nor know much about the pilgrims and Indians. So I write about what I know....and i know what im thankful for in life.

Okay onto my list! (that is in no particular order...My thoughts are random-therefore so is this list)

I am thankful for.....

- Makeup.....every girl is I assume. 
- The Circle L place on Earth.
- My bed....I tell it that I love it every night...Just ask Megan. 
- My job. Not many people get to say they do what they love to do.
- My brother Brandon. He keeps me sane and is the best advice giver ever. 
- My weenie dog- Chloe. She may bark like a bird and have breath that smells like fish but she's my pup.
- My Grandaddy and the angels that were around him that day. :)
- My mom and dad. They have done more for me then any two humans should. 
- My accomplishments in life. 
- Moments I have failed in life. 
- Good/ bad decisions ive made.
- My church.. 
- My other half in life and somebody who has stuck by my side for almost 15 years...Carly.
- The one person who could live with me for 4 years and still wanna hang out with me.....Megan.
- The one friend that I could talk to all day long and not get tired of...Amy.
- The only person who could do the worm in her wedding dress and tell me that my short hair cut was "uneven" on the E Spring Outing and get away with it..Brooke.
- The only friend who makes me laugh till I cry....Kate.
- The only friend who is more competitive and "say it how it is" then me...Sam.
- My pageant days. 
- My high school days.
- Situations in life that turned out differently then expected.
- My brown leather Bible. 
- My 9th grade table group girls.
- My EEE Days and Pledge Class...those girls will always have a special place in my heart!
- Forgiveness
- My MeeMaw and Pa Paw and all the nights over at their house.
- My knight in shining armor...Tyler Nathan Toney.
- Jeff, Pam and Paige Toney and all the love they show me. 
- Bob Bob and Nean 
- My aunt and cousins, Haylee and Houston. 
- Prayer
- Jeans that fit just right.
- My red poka dot robe
- Alyse Eady.....My Miss America. :) 
- My big brother...Ryan. 
- Air conditioning.
- My bath tub.
- My car- Holly Honda. 
- My Salvation.
- My cell phone. PTL for Iphone.
- My laptop.
- Things that sparkle.... like crowns...and other things....
- Ice Cream and chocolate
- My love for singing.
- Good music.
- My home.
- Times I laughed till I cried
- Times I cried till I laughed.
- Friendship.
- Starbucks coffee...mmm Pumpkin Spice Latte....
- Encouragement when least expected.

And the list could go on and on.....

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?? Take time this holiday to write some of those things down because we ALL have things to be thankful for! 

Keep it Classy Turkey Lovers... 

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