So yesterday I got to take a little time off from work to head to the flower shop with Mrs. Trisha and my mom to sort out all my wedding flowers! It was so much fun and I snapped a few pictures of all the flowers we saw. Obviously not all of them will be used in my wedding but they were all so pretty I wish I could!
They keep the room where are the flowers are stored at about 40 degrees, so needless to say I was COLD! I am not use to that kind of temperature after living in 100+ degree heat the past 2 months but it was definitly a nice change!
All the day was fun sorting through all the flowers and matching up all the colors I loved! I cant wait to see everything actually put together in 64 short days! EEK!
Superb flowers! Love receiving flowers. On my birthday, my friends threw a surprise party. They arranged everything excellently and flowers were all over the place. Felt honored as they even had a tremendous flower bouquet which they had bought from a top Floral Delivery service in the town.