Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oh my oh my...How Pinteresting! Holiday Treats!

Im gonna be honest with you on this one....I have been pinning about 90% food items on pintrest lately! This is definitely not helping my semi-wedding body diet that I keep telling myself that I am on

but sometimes a girl has to be strict with indulge her senses...right???

I pin all these yummy, calorie filled treats under the board rightfully named "Food that Will Make Me Fat." because they will simply do just that.

Tyler and I close on our beautiful home on Sept. 30 and I plan on hosting many holiday get togethers once we are all good and moved in. This will, in fact, force me to get my butt in the kitchen and create some fun and yummy treats for our friends that come over! So what better holidays to start off with then Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Here are a couple that caught my eye!


{Halloween Witch Hat Cookies}

This is SO creative and seems so simple to recreate! All you need are Keebler Fudge Striped Cookies (turned upside down), Hershey Kisses attached with orange icing and BAM- You have a witch hat!

{Owl Cupcakes}

Okay so Owls are Halloween-ish right??? These are chocolate icing covered cupcakes with oreos for the eyeballs and brown and orange M&M's for the pupil and nose! How cute?! Great for any Chi-O ladies out there as well!


{Sweet Acorns}

I LOVE this simple and cute idea of taking a donut hold and making it look like a acorn! All you need are some yummy donuts from your local donut shop....Nutella...Chocolate sprinkles or toffee bits and pretzel sticks for the stems! 

{Turkey Cookies}
These cookies look very easy to duplicate! All you need are sugar cookies, icing, candy corn and green M&M for the eyes! Gobble Gobble! :) 


{Peppermint Bark Snowflakes}

These would be great for a small gift to coworkers, friends or family around the holidays! Click the photo to see how to make these fun treats! 

{Reindeer Pops}

How cute are these little guys?! All you need are marshmallows, lollipop sticks, chocolate bark, twisted pretzels and candy eyes! Click the image to link to the website that shows you how its done in detail!

What are some fun holiday treats that you have found on Pintrest?? 

Monday, August 29, 2011

New prints in the shop!!

Happy Monday fellow bloggers/blog readers :) 

I wanted to share with y'all  some new designs that I have in the shop:

So yes, you are seeing clearly- Red Robe Designs will now start selling cards! I am super excited about this and will slowly start putting more and more card designs in the shop as time goes on. So for now, I am selling my "You Are My Happy Thought" cards! 

And to make your Monday THAT much better, I am making everything in my shop 15% off until the end of the week! :) WOOP WOOP! 

Just use the coupon code: REDROBE15

Thursday, August 25, 2011

It must be Ok....since its a Thursday!

Today I am linking up with A Complete Waste of Makeup for "Its Ok" Thursdays! I LOVE LOVE this idea and will be linking up weekly! So join the fun with me- why dontcha ya!


-ITS OK that I wear the same denim jacket every week to work and my soon-to-be husband would rather set it on fire then have me wear it again.

-ITS OK that by 5PM everyday my Iphone is down to 10% battery life because I am addicted to childish app games...

-ITS OK for me to eat one...or two...or three pieces of fudge while being on my "wedding diet"

-ITS OK that I wear sunglasses on my head all day like its the next hottest hair accessory.

-ITS OK that I already have my future dogs' name picked out (Sadie Lynne) along with how the furry pup will be presented to me  (Christmas Day- in a giant red stocking with its paws hanging out)

- ITS OK that I have fallin' in love with my dorky clip on book light and use it every night before hitting the pillow

-ITS OK that my room sometimes looks like an episode of Hoarders

-ITS OK that I have an odd obsession with Taylor Swift and cried when I got concert tickets.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oh how Pinteresting Wednesdays- 2nd Edition

So I dont know about y'all but I am beyond over this insane heat wave Texas has been having for the past- {ohhh I dont know} 500 days it seems. 

I cant walk anywhere without sweating. I cant stand outside for longer then a minute without sweating and definitely forget trying to eat out on a patio somewhere because you will what? WHAT?....sweat. 

So to beat the heat- I am going to pretend that its my most favorite time of year....


So take a mental break from the heart and dive into fall for a couple of seconds/minutes with me. 

{if i could click my heels (or flats) and be here in 2.4 seconds- I would do it}

{The day I slip back on my boots will be one glorious day}

{So I love this idea for decorating the pumpkins! All it is is push pins and WA-LA- You're the coolest kid on the block with even cooler pumpkins.}

{I love fall colors. In fact- I like them so much my whole wedding will be deck out in them}

{Love this fall outfit. Boots..Scarf...Blazer..Tights= Heaven}

{I just started getting into this brand of nail polish because now I actually have my REAL nails back so I cant wait to try out some of these colors in a couple of months!}

Ahhh..Wasnt that nice??? I can already feel the temperature dropping..... 


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Picture catchup and Rangers game!

This is going to be one packed blog full of PICTURES! I am so bad about dumping the photos off my camera onto my computer so when I do, I tend to have a lot to share!

{Im not sure if you are aware- but my fiancé is a watermelon artist. This piece is called "Fruit Basket". He showed off his skills at my dads 50th birthday get together!}

{Brandon and Ty after entertaining us with tricks off the diving board for about an hour. They were out of control!}

Last night me, Meredith, and both our dads went to the Rangers game last night! And boy was is HOT outside! I hadn't been to a game in forever so it was a neat treat! Check out some pictures from the game:

{Oh look who we ended up finding at the game!}

{My two favorite people}

{Tyler eating all my cotton candy...go figure.}

{Mer and I after during the 7th inning! We were soaked in sweat at this point!}

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A little fun stop to the flower shop!

So yesterday I got to take a little time off from work to head to the flower shop with Mrs. Trisha and my mom to sort out all my wedding flowers! It was so much fun and I snapped a few pictures of all the flowers we saw. Obviously not all of them will be used in my wedding but they were all so pretty I wish I could! 

They keep the room where are the flowers are stored at about 40 degrees, so needless to say I was COLD! I am not use to that kind of temperature after living in 100+ degree heat the past 2 months but it was definitly a nice change! 

All the day was fun sorting through all the flowers and matching up all the colors I loved! I cant wait to see everything actually put together in 64 short days! EEK!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesdays Link Up Party!

I havent done many "link up" parties in the past, so im excited to dive in with this one that I found via All Things Girl who got it from The Vintage Apple! I love the idea of showing off some of my favorite pins that I am currently drooling over! 

I have already blogged once about my obsession with and cant even explain to you all the hours I have wasted utlized scrolling through this inspring website! :) 

Here are a few that I have found interesting, funny and inspiring! 

{{I am marrying a cowboy. So lets just face it. I might or might not be rocking my boots in my bridal portraits. Not all..but some!}}

{{This ladies and gentleman...This is my DREAM office. Light blue and white is such a calming color combo! So simple yet so elegant!}}

{{To go along with my light blue and white themed dream office- I have fallen in love with this mirror. I actually found one similar at the World Market and I'm already thinking about when I'm going to go back to snag it!}}

{{I find this so funny and I laugh everytime I see it. My oh my how things have changed haven't they?}}

{{Found this tutorial on Jones Design Company blog and I LOVE it. She gives you a free printable so you can do this same design in your very own home. I plan on doing this in our study if I can find the time and of course, if Tyler approves!}}

Are you gushing over something on Pintrest?? Let me know down there in that little comment box! :) 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New prints in the shop! HEYO!

Have you checked out my new prints in the shop??? 

{Oh happy day 8x10 print}

{Hope is a thing with Feathers 8x10 Graphic Print}

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

-Emily Dickinson-

For a limited time you can get 15% off  and enter to win a free 8x10 print featured on Good Times Never Seem Sew Good's blog!

What are you waiting for?? Go check it out!

Monday, August 15, 2011

GIVEAWAY & SPONSOR HIGHLIGHT via Good Times Never Seem Sew Good!

I wanted to let y'all know about my GIVEAWAY and sponsor highlight that is featured on my friend Caroline's blog over at Good Times Never Seem Sew Good! I am giving away one of my 8x10 print's called "Choose Joy" and it looks a little something like this...

If you want to enter to win this print just head over to her blog to check out what to do! If this print doesnt tickle your fancy then head over to my etsy store to check out some more awesome prints that just might! :) 

This weekend was relaxing and MUCH needed. I dont know about y'all but by Friday I am craving a good Sleep-in- Saturday.. 

My dad turned the big 5-0 on August 6th but since my brother has been MIA working at Kanakuk Kamp ALL summer we waiting to celebrate until he got home! 

{Me and me! Love him!}

{Legit birthday cake right?? It was as good tasting as it is me!}

We celebrated at the Toneys house by grilling chicken and just hanging out by the pool watching Tyler and Brandon do various stunts off the diving board that made my mom almost have heart failure. It was great :)

I am very thankful to have a dad who has always loved me, support me, challenged me and encouraged me in life. He definitely gets the best dad award! 

Have a happy monday y'all and dont forget to check out my giveaway!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Favs


Can you tell im excited that its Friday???

Today I wanted to share with y'all some things I am LOVING lately!

1.  "Go to the Gym" Felt Pillow. 

I dont know about y'all but I find myself more times then not having good intentions of working out. I will slip on my nike shorts and shirt, lace up my overly priced running shoes and start heading for the door until I notice that there is an Criminal Minds marathon on TV. Then all of the sudden, 2 hours have passed, 2 murders have been solved yet no calories have been burned on my part. 

Epic fail right?

Well this pillow could easily solve all these issues! It basically screams at you GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND GO RUN! 

Love it. Problem solved. Hello wedding body.

2.  Kern Ring Set

If this doesn't prove my graphic design nerdiness- then I dont know what does. I love accessories just like the next southern girl-so why not have this added to my collection??

3. Texas Letterpress Art Print

I love this unique and one of a kind looking print! Growing up in Texas- we train them while they are young you could say. This song always reminds me of my elementary school days at Matthews singing this song in the music room. "The stars at night, are big and bright (CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP) deep in the hearrrrttt of texassss!" If I ever have a texas/ranch themed room in my house- I am definitly going to need this! 

4. Plum Big Bow Pillow

Not many people probably know this- but my favorite color is anything in the purple family. In fact, I love it so much- me and Tyler future bed will have purpleish pillows on it (even though he says he is going to hide them whenever his friends come over...tha nervveeee). So whenever I saw those- I knew I had to have it...or something like it!!

Hope you enjoy my Friday Favs!! 

If you haven't already- Go check out my one of my prints that has been featured on Daisys Retro's blog! Just click here!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Apple Blvd Bridal Shower!

On Tuesday I had my very first Bridal Shower! It wasn't your typical bridal shower in the fact that people didn't bring salad bowls, dishes, or cookie sheets....But instead they I was blessed with CLOTHES & JEWELRY! Not just any clothes and jewelry either- but Apple Blvd clothes and jewelry

My friend Katie and her husband Johnny started a clothing business out of their home a couple of months ago and wow do they have some of the cutest stuff! You can check it out all here on the Apple Blvd website! I promise you wont be disappointed- this girl has taste! 

  This bridal shower was such a neat idea because, I mean, what girl doesn't want new outfits to rock on the honeymoon??  

My mom and I brought over some of my luggage and displayed it in the middle of room so that whenever I was done opening a gift- I would just simply display it!

{Mrs. Apple Blvd herself!} 

{Me and Mer}

{All the fabulous hostesses!}

{All my beautifully wrapped gifts! Katie did such a great job! AND it matched my luggage!}

I felt so blessed that night and I am truly one lucky girl to have so many people invest in my life the way they do! :) Thank you to everybody who came!