Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ready....Set.....Get Healthy.

As I sit here typing- I have my Starbucks "protein meal" starring up at me waiting to be eaten for my first "healthy breakfast" of the new year. It's filled with apples, grapes, peanut butter, apple slices as well as a hard boiled egg. And ill be honest with all of you....

Chickfila chicken mini's are still WAY tastier. 

But yesterday, Tyler and I said that we would start eating healthier. This is in no way a "New Years Resolution" because in all truthfulness- Who really looks back in December and says to themselves "Wow I'm so glad I made that resolution in January and lost 20 pounds and ran 4 marathons" 

I will answer that question for you.


But for some reason- starting a diet or getting up the energy to go workout everyday IS a little easier when the rest of America is trying to do it as well. Come February the gyms won't be as packed and the drive through line at McDonalds will once again be a long one- But as for now..... We can at least TRY.

{So this is me starting to try.}

Over the last several months I have had a lot of people say to me "Well, you should be able to get in shape fast! You did pageants and did that all the time!"

And they are right. I did do that all the time. Diet and exercise was my life for the last 3 1/2 years of my college career. I know all the healthy tricks in the book. I know what foods to eat and when to eat them. And thanks to my wonderful Miss Arkansas trainer- I also now know a lot of fun and easy work outs to keep my interest in the gym. But here is the problem.


Pinned Image

I am the worlds worst with finding every tiny excuse in the book for not going to the gym or to choose Subway over Chicken Express. But today hopefully all that changes!

So here's to you Starbucks protein plate. Lets do this.

What goals do you have for the new year and what do you do to keep yourself motivated? I love tips :)

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