Today me and my husband head to his families ranch out in Morgan, TX for our first Thanksgiving together as a married couple! We both have so much to be thankful for this year!
We have each other, we have a roof over our head, we have two amazing sets of parents, we have siblings who we would do anything for, we have grandparents who love us unconditionally, we have friends that have stuck by our sides no matter what, we have food in our pantry, we both have jobs that supply that food in our pantry, and we have Jesus Christ.
So on this Thanksgiving Eve I want to start back up something that I did a while back before the wedding craziness hit. Pinteresting Wednesdays!
I love Pinterest. (As do half of the female population) but sometimes you come across things that just really make your heart happy and here is where I will share those with you!

{A coworker sent me this one day and I LOVE it! For all the designers out there- This is super encouraging. Fight through the crappy work till you finally have something you're proud of!}

{I love this quote because its so TRUE. God always give you something to praise Him for}

{When me and Ty get our pup...Be prepared for my blog to have an crazy amount of pictures like this of her!.....Gah I need one so bad.}

{When I saw this I immediately thought of my friend Meredith. She is one of those people who can pull off any outfit at any time. She's one of the most fashionable people I know without even trying! I love this outfit combo and the colors!!}

{This is my life. Just finished The Hunger Games less then 2 weeks. Cool.}


{This is so cool. And so something my brother would do in a heartbeat.}
What are some things you've found that are making your heart happy this Thanksgiving week!!
Be sure and check out my FREE printable from yesterdays post! You can check it out HERE! :)
The Hunger Games series is amazing! I get really excited when people discover it! Have you seen the trailer? Cannot wait until the movie comes out in March!
ReplyDeleteHappy pinning! :)