Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I have a crush on you.

Things I'm crushin' on THIS week:

ONE_ If you know me at all, you know that I have a love for all things close to the ground. This includes my Dachshund Chloe. Although I am going against years and years of family tradition by asking for a puppy LAB for Christmas- I still enjoy seeing these little short things on Pinterest.

TWO_ I have been wanting a really nice fur vest but have yet to find the perfect one. If anybody has any suggestions as to wear to find one that won't break the bank but make people THINK I did- Im all ears :)

THREE_The one thing I love about Pinterest is that you come across Etsy shop owners who really have some fan-tab-ulous sells. Like THIS one. This chicka sells those cute little socks that would look great with some brown boots I have! 

FOUR_ I already have my sockings purchased and hung for the Christmas season, but I am LOVIN' this one! If you are still running around trying to find the perfect stockings....Look no further! Click here to check them out in the store!

FIVE_My hubby is quite talented with a camera and I feel like its just something that came naturally for him. He dabs here and there with wildlife photography and really enjoys it. Me on the other hand- I feel like this little boy when it comes to photography and figuring out cameras. One word: Clueless.

SIX_This simply made me laugh. So maybe it'll bring a smile to your face as well?

SEVEN_I am a Starbuckaholic. Its a real and true addiction. So when I saw these cute little cupcakes...My heart melted. Im going to have to try and make these puppies some day! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Oh how Pinteresting!

Today me and my husband head to his families ranch out in Morgan, TX for our first Thanksgiving together as a married couple! We both have so much to be thankful for this year!

We have each other, we have a roof over our head, we have two amazing sets of parents, we have siblings who we would do anything for, we have grandparents who love us unconditionally, we have friends that have stuck by our sides no matter what, we have food in our pantry, we both have jobs that supply that food in our pantry, and we have Jesus Christ. 


So on this Thanksgiving Eve I want to start back up something that I did a while back before the wedding craziness hit. Pinteresting Wednesdays! 

I love Pinterest. (As do half of the female population) but sometimes you come across things that just really make your heart happy and here is where I will share those with you! 


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{A coworker sent me this one day and I LOVE it! For all the designers out there- This is super encouraging. Fight through the crappy work till you finally have something you're proud of!}

definitely needed to see this!

{I love this quote because its so TRUE. God always give you something to praise Him for}

Sadie Lynne is that you?!?!

{When me and Ty get our pup...Be prepared for my blog to have an crazy amount of pictures like this of her!.....Gah I need one so bad.}

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{When I saw this I immediately thought of my friend Meredith. She is one of those people who can pull off any outfit at any time. She's one of the most fashionable people I know without even trying! I love this outfit combo and the colors!!}

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{This is my life. Just finished The Hunger Games less then 2 weeks. Cool.}

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{This is so cool. And so something my brother would do in a heartbeat.}

What are some things you've found that are making your heart happy this Thanksgiving week!!

Be sure and check out my FREE printable from yesterdays post! You can check it out HERE! :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Free Printable- "Pressure Makes Diamonds"

Happy Monday Y'all! 

Since today is my 1 month anniversary to being married to my man I decided to celebrate by giving y'all a fun, new and free printable!

Free printables always make me *happy* when I come across them so why not share the love??

I love the phrase that "Pressure Makes Diamonds." I heard it a lot when competing in pageants and it has always stuck with me! Print this lovely 8x10 out and use it as a piece of encouragement for whatever pressure- filled situation you are encountering! :) 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Honeymoon to Antigua!

Today I am literally sucking down my Venti Caramel Brulee Latte because last night I was one of those cool kids that saw Breaking Dawn at midnight onnnnnn a work night. Now before you start hatin' you have to understand that I read the 1st book before the entire United States population of woman got ahold of it (Thanks brother for that!) and divided Edward and Jacob into teams and dreamed of the day they too could become a pale, glittery, sleepless vampire. It was fun and totally worth it, but now I'm in desperate need for a caffeine IV.

I havent blogged in awhile and I blame that on being a newlywed and trying to get my new house organized! For those of you who haven't seen these- here are a couple snapshots of my honeymoon adventure! Tyler and I went to Antigua for a week and had a BLAST! It was so nice to relax and soak up some rays! :)

{Our 6 hour excursion around the island! One of the coolest
 things we did all week!}

{By this point- my poor shoulders were burnt to a crisp and I had no idea...*sigh*}

{One of the snorkeling caves!}

{Tyler being Bear normal}

{He was so proud of himself when he figured out how to catch them!}

{They were HUGE! But so friendly and dare I say...cute? }

{Zip-line and ropes course day....Ropes course bout did me in- it was more 
intense then I had suspected!}

{A view of the resort!}

{One of our last nights in Antigua! Excuse the hair- I had NO brush that entire week. }

{Soooo sad to leave!}

I can't wait for our next vacation together! I'm thinking mountains next go around??? 

Friday, November 4, 2011

RRD has a Facebook page!!! Holla.

Guess who'sssss bacckkkkk :) 

It's been quite the blissful two weeks with just getting married and going on our honeymoon to Antigua! The wedding was absolutely perfect and I can't wait to share all the details on a later post! Thank you to everybody who attended and made me and Tyler feel so special! We are blessed with so many supportive friends and family who have shaped us throughout the years into the people we are today. We love y'all!

On another note that has nothing to do with my wedding- Red Robe Designs finally got an official Facebook page! With the push of some friends, I decided that after the wedding craziness was over I would make the page live!

So go check it out and click the "LIKE" button to get blog and Etsy store updates! :)