Friday, September 16, 2011

It's Friday, Friday....Fun fun fun fun.

{Yo people. Guess what.....}
Now do you have that annoying song stuck in your head?

You. Are. Welcome. 

Have you seen the new print in the shop? Cuz you should. 

I liked it so much- Its now framed in my room. HEY-O!

Wanna check it out on my shop?? CLICK HURRRR.

Catch y'all on Monday. 

Because I don't blog on the weekends. 

Because I can. *smile*

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bethany. I know that this post is over a year old but I came across the image and am IN love with it. It goes along perfectly with what we were wanting to do for our Young Women's group this year. Can you please email me ( if you get this, I have a question for you. Thanks!
