Thursday, September 29, 2011

It's Ok Thursday!

- To still have your mom aka: "The Cleaning Fairy"  clean your room when your having 
a crappy day at work.
- To think that your dog will live forever.
- To have "mental health days"
- To write your last name as much as you can, anywhere you can since you only have 
22 more days to write it.
- To have not only a countdown to your wedding day on your phone but right next to 
it have a countdown to when you get to see your best friend!
- To already be dreaming up what I want my first Christmas tree to look like
- Check twitter the second you open your eyes in the morning to make sure you didn't 
miss out on anything after you went to bed.
-To only have one thing on the brain when I come home from work- Catch up on GOSSIP GIRL!
- To be extremely antsy about moving into me and Tylers NEW HOME tomorrow! eek! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Oh hey- I'm back!

Wow talk about taking a little blog vacation! My life has been slightly busy lately with wedding stuff, house building, work, and side projects but I finally feel like I have my head screwed on right! Just a little update on whats been going on with me....

1_ I have 23 days until I am officially Bethany Lynne Toney and married to my best friend.
2_ This Friday Tyler and I close on our very first home and start moving in everything! 
3_ I went to Arkansas this past weekend and had a wonderful shower with even more wonderful friends.
4_I have been knee deep in designing and printing wedding invitations for some pretty cool girls who also have weddings coming up at the end of this year!

Now it wouldn't be a Wednesday without some Pintrest pictures right?! So let the fun begin and link up with The Vintage Apple! 

I have GOT to try this when it starts getting super chilly here!

{Personalized Chevron Thank You Cards with Return Address Label!}
These were made by my good friend Madaline over at Paper Clouds for my shower this past weekend and I absolutely dig them. Check her out if you haven't yet!

{One day, when I have time, I want to take an old beat up dresser and make it into something pretty like this!}

{I have become slightly obsessed with putting bling on my own shoes...Its such a fun project and to me, super relaxing! I can't wait to show all of y'all my latest project!}

NOTE: I will be out for my honeymoon next month and I am looking for guest bloggers for October 24th-28th! If you are interested in participating in this just email me at! :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Have you checked it out?? All the cool kids are.

Have you checked out the new
 Dude Perfect 
 book yet?? 

Here is a little clip to explain what its all about!

                                         watch on

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's Friday, Friday....Fun fun fun fun.

{Yo people. Guess what.....}
Now do you have that annoying song stuck in your head?

You. Are. Welcome. 

Have you seen the new print in the shop? Cuz you should. 

I liked it so much- Its now framed in my room. HEY-O!

Wanna check it out on my shop?? CLICK HURRRR.

Catch y'all on Monday. 

Because I don't blog on the weekends. 

Because I can. *smile*

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It's Ok Thursday!

Its OKAY....

To hit your snooze button over 8 times in one morning

To drive by a box on the side of the road and pray a bunch of puppies pop out that need rescuing

To get excited about red oak trees being planted in the front and backyard of our new house

To shift around your goals in life about 2942 times within a 48 hour time period

To get in bed at 9PM and be total okay with it

To drink coffee like its water all day long

To start your wedding diet a little late

To online shop more then you regular shop

To legitimately have withdrawals when your best friend gets a new job and you can no longer Skype chat with her on a regular basis (cough AMY cough)

Come join the fun and link up with me! :) 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday!

Oh my. I feel slightly overwhelmed today. I have a lot of graphics projects that I have been working on (baby announcements, logo's, wedding invitations...oh my!) and I have come to the sad realization that I am becoming a perfectionist when it comes to designing. I never would have pinned myself as a perfectionist but today....I am one. So its nice to take a brain break for a little but and let my mind wonder all over pintrest- looking at random images of fattening food and projects I will probably never get to.
So here we go....Another fun edition of  Oh how Pinteresting Wednesday!

{Chocolate Trees...I will make this at some point this Christmas season!}
{I am a lover of ALL coats and jackets. And this one made me drool when I saw it. Because I LOVE a pop of color during the fall months when everybody tends to wear blacks, greys and dark shades of any color.}
{Dachshund Ice Cube Tray- Its just so cute NOT to be tempted to get}

{Burberry Leather Triple Wrap Watch- Now I know I don't need a BURBERRY watch but they have got to make something that looks similar for a reasonable price right?!...Let me know if you find one!}

{Im kind of obsessing over this....I have been wanting something monogramed for awhile so I need to find something like this baby!}

{Isn't this outfit to die for?! Click on the image to see where everything is from!}

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Some pretty exciting stuff.

This past weekend my bestie and roommate of 4 years got MARRIED! Woo hoo! I am a horrible bridesmaid/friend and literally took ZERO pictures that weekend. I couldn't find my point and shoot and therefore said,
"Oh no worries- I just use my iPhone camera."

.....Well Saturday night rolled around and how many pictures did I take? Zero. Best friend fail right here. 

So I will leave you with a picture of Megan and Braeden and let you swoon over how photogenic they are and watch their amazing wedding video. 

Ready. Set. Swoon. 

Braeden, now Megans husband, is a super sweet photographer on top of being a great guy for my roomie and here is the link to his website! I couldn't NOT do a little plug for him on here, so go check it outttttt.

Well...I would be a bad fiancé if I DIDNT mention something else that is SUPER exciting to not only me but also for 5 other really awesome guys.

The GO BIG: Make You Shot Count in the Connected World Dude Perfect book has HIT stores and!

"It began with a free sandwich, a simple camera, and twenty “I can do better than you” shots. From that afternoon of friendly competition, six college guys created Dude Perfect, a YouTube group that specializes in the craziest basketball shots you can imagine. Within months, the guys went from shooting backyard trick shots to starring in GMC truck commercials and standing on an L.A. Red Carpet. Listed by Advertising Age as one of YouTube’s Hottest Brands, Dude Perfect’s videos have reached and inspired hundreds of millions with one contagious message—the very phrase they championed from day one—Go Big. By leveraging the connected world, Dude Perfect’s dream became a reality, and now, they want the same for you. Written by one of the dudes himself, Go Big tells their story and unveils their secret: five practical principles for taking your passions, skills, and dreams to the next level. Are you ready to Go Big?"

I am so proud of these guys! They have worked so hard these past couple of years and now YOU, the reader, get a little inside look on everything DP.

Oh and what is that I see??! My name in a REAL book?!! 

Im such a celebrity now. 


So what are you waiting for?! Go get yourself the new Dude Perfect "GO BIG" book :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

It's Friday...Friday..Gatta Get down on Friday.

I found this link up party through my friend Caroline over at {good times never sam sew good...}! I have always enjoy thumbing through her Instagram pictures every Friday and thought I would participate too since I take SO many photos on my phone myself! 

{Well after many hours of stuffing and packaging...the wedding invitation have got OUT! Praise the Lamb! We have already started receiving tons of RSVP cards and its starting to become something I look forward opening everyday!}

{I decided to make pancakes one morning. *Gasp, SHE COOKED!?* Why yes, yes I did...with the little help of my dad of course :) Baby steps steps...}

{My friend Amy over at All Things Girl brought me a set of coasters one weekend that she came to visit! They are so cute and of course I had to try and make them on my own! Here are all my materials that I used...But note: spray adhesive is NOT what you want to get..found that one out the hard way! ha!}

{This is my pup Chloe. She is a 10 year old Dachshund who becomes OBSESSED with any toy that even closely resembles a squirrel. We found her that fluffy looking thing at the local pet store and I don't think its left her mouth since.}

Happy Friday! Hope you have a GREAT weekend! 

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I am really starting to look forward to Thursdays now that I have this fun link up to be apart of! Sometimes its nice to just have things BE OK because its simply a Thursday! :) 

ITS OK....

That I squealed like a little girl when I went through the Starbucks drive through line and realized that Pumpkin Spice Lattes were back in business for fall.

To takes baths every single night yet only stay in for a total of 10 minutes.

To makes animal noises to your bestie on HeyTell back and forth and act like its completely normal.

To realize that over 70% of your clothes come from Apple Blvd. Seriously ladies- You need to check them out. It will change your life. 

To sit on Pintrest for hours and try and think of any excuse to give somebody a new/creative gift.

To feel a ping of sadness when your cup of coffee has run dry.

Be sure to link up and join the fun! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A long overdue rant + Pinteresting Wednesday!

Okay before I dive into my Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday post- I'm going to rant for a bit. I never rant on my blog so sit back and enjoy the ride. 

I have been "pinning" for awhile now and every once and a while come across images of women who are RIPPED. I mean like hard core "I live in the gym and I eat 2 cubes of cheese and 4 almonds a day" ripped. Now, hear me out. I am not cutting down the women who work VERY hard in gym and eat right to maintain a healthy weight/lifestyle. I actually commend you for that because you have more discipline then me. What makes me sick to my stomach is seeing HOW much pressure we women put on ourselves to look P-E-R-F-E-C-T. We let the world tell us what beautiful is. We let the world dictate what is acceptable. So when I see girls, who are beautiful on the inside and out, re-pin pictures that have captions that say "Skinny feels better than food taste", it honestly makes me want to pull my hair out. And I'm not sitting here typing all this to prove to you that I have it all together. Because Lord knows, I don't. I have felt the pressure of the world first hand and even let it control me and how I viewed myself physically for a long time. But one morning I felt the Lord reminding me of a something that I have always known, but so many times forget....

Don't you know that you are beautiful in my eyes? You are my workmanship. This world has nothing to offer you but empty promises and hopes. I have made EVERYTHING (including YOU) beautiful in my time.

One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." 

Did you catch that one part? The part about how "beauty is vain"? Chew on that today. 

I hope this blog post encourages you to look in the mirror and be satisfied. Its a daily battle, I know-but thankfully we serve a God who never stops fighting for us. 

Whew okay, now that I have that off my chest- Lets look at some fun Pintrest finds shall we???

{Fall is just around the corner so its time to bust out those cardigans and leather boots. I love this mustard yellow and navy color combo with the punch of brown. Great date night outfit!}

{This is such a fun idea for fall decorating this year A coffee can, a vase, and twigs! Click the image to check out how to make your own!}

{When I saw this, I instantly agreed! For me, some of my hardest laughs have been while somebody is praying out loud and I'm trying with everything in me to hold it in until I explode with laugher and embarrass myself.}

{Another fall outfit combo that I am loving! This is a good outfit for all my teacher friends out there who want to stay comfy but still look professional!}

{This is such a different yet eye catching idea for a headboard! One day when I have a lake house (dream on right??) I'm going to do this for me and Tyler's bed!}

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Great weekend + Giveaway...Holla.

So can this weather get ANY better?! 

Waking up on Monday (to no alarm might I add) and to weather that was in the 70's was BLISS! Don't get me wrong- I love summer but ever since I started working full time and summer break is now a far distance memory....Fall has now been bumped up to my favorite season of the year. 

This past weekend was a long one for me because on Friday I took the day off of work and headed to Canton Trade Days with the family for the very first time!! It was so much fun and I ended up walking away with a lot of crafting ideas and some pretty good items to put in the new home!

Speaking of new home- Tyler and I found out that we will be closing on our home oh so very soon and when I say soon I mean by the END of this month!! This week they are putting in the carpet and wood floors and turning on the air conditioning! :) Its so funny how just in a years time- I went from getting excited about things like rush week at college to getting excited about carpet and wood floors being put into a home.

My oh my how things can change. :)

On a completely different note I wanted to point out that I have a giveaway going on over at Yellow Songbirds blog! So go check it out and you might just win a 8x10 print! :) 

Have a lovely Tuesday y'all.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

"It's OK" Thursday!!

Good morning blog friends! Today is Thursday, which means the following things: 

A) Its technically my Friday since I'm taking tomorrow off to head to Canton Trade Days with my parents B) I have only 50 more days until I marry my best friend 
C) Its time to link up with A Complete Waste of Makeup!! WOOP!

{{ IT'S OKAY... }}

To be going through a slight withdrawal/ period of depression bc your bestie Amy got a new job that no longer allows her to Skype with me from 8-5 everyday.

To date countless numbers of guys who you think are "the one" until you realize that the guy your suppose to marry has been under your nose the entire time. 

To drink Starbucks on a daily basis.

To cry when watching SPCA commercials....every...single...freaking....time.

To be 23 years old and still text your mom 3 different times asking her when she will be home because you have a major phobia of being alone in the house.

To watch Save By the Bell every single morning and secretly wish neon clothes and bold crazy prints were back in style.

To buy a pair of high wasted bell bottom corduroy pants from Anthropologie because your other bestie said "they would be in this fall"

To have to google the word "corduroy" because you have no earthly idea how to spell it. 

Join the fun and link up too!!