The air conditioning is out at work today.
If you are experiencing 107+ degree heat like we are here in Texas- then you feel my pain right now. My makeup is melting arms are sticking to my desk and my curls are fallen and sad looking. I am in desperate need of a fan or a massive block of ice that I can sit my butt on instead of my rollie-chair.
Blah. But I can't complain-- at least I'm not pregnant during this heat. That would be tragic and my diva side would come out with a vengeance. So major props to all you pregnant people out there sticking it out while living on the face of the sun.
I felt like these invites were perfect for a hot August baby shower since I only see bee's when its super hot outside. These invites were done for my friend's friend who lives out in Houston! The theme was "Mom to Bee"! How cute is that?!